Welcome to MJM Ink, a complete and professional service for the author inside us all.
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According to a recent survey, the dream job for most people in this country is “Author”.

Publishers, in the UK alone published 184,000 new and revised titles in 2013. A figure that doesn’t take into account the ongoing explosion in the number of authors who are self-publishing.

Which means there are a lot of people out there who do what you do. Competition has never been healthier.

So how do you get noticed – get read – earn money – among this tumult of literary white noise? You write the best damn book you can. Then before you send off to that agent/ publisher/ ebook aggregator you make sure it’s the best damn book you can write by employing someone to help you shape and polish.

That’s where we come in.

We can’t guarantee you will get a book deal or make a fortune turning yourself into the next Hugh Howey/ Amanda Hocking et al, but we will do our utmost to help you get your book to shine.

Whether you are looking for a big picture/ structural editing, copy editing, proofreading or our mentoring service, allow us to be your guide on the pathway to completion of the very best book you can write.


3 thoughts on “Home

  1. Hi

    I have written a short book aimed at helping mums with feeding in the first 6 week. I’ve got most of it written but it need editing and formatted to allow it to be published allows an ebook.


    1. Hi Donna, great to hear from you. Would you mind emailing me at mjm.litservices@gmail.com with more detail? Word count? Have you sought a cover design? Do you have a territory in mind or does it apply overseas as well? Will it only be ebook? Do you have a publication date in mind? How much more work do you have to do before you can type those glorious two words – The End? And perhaps a short sample (1000 words)


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